Why not just have a friend or neighbor handle your day-to-day money matters?
While the low cost may be appealing, asking even a well-intentioned amateur to handle necessities like monthly bill payments, tax preparation, balancing checkbooks, decoding medical bills and negotiating with creditors can be risky as personal financial matters become more complicated. And the growing risk of elder financial abuse is well documented.
Why not just have a CPA or attorney perform money management tasks for you or your older relative?
Well, the cost is likely to be much lower per hour for a DMM than for a CPA or attorney. And you need to have your personal money matters taken care of on a regular basis, so it’s better to have the CPA or attorney provide insight periodically, rather than paying them high rates to do bill paying and other daily financial tasks.
A DMM is one of the professionals that you should hire to help you manage your personal finances along with:
Golden Financial Care LLC Website developed by DeWIlde Laine